soft inter moments

Ya Firefly might be the only one who she really goes all blah blah blah other then her dad. Cause Ayita knows almost no one She's seen Haku but doesn't know his name.

Amaranth listened about cats and the different kinds and that made her worried Lilac eyes looked at her. "Wow I wonder if mommy would let me have a cat." She said thinking she was in ways scared and in others interested. She was a puppy and she wanted to know everything she could after all. "Ya I am but rules are meant to break besides mom will come looking and then I'll play my cute look and she'll forgive me." She said. She knew her mom had a deep weak spot right now for her. After all it was her fault she almost was eaten.

She looked around as she watched firefly sit on a bench. She looked at the woman and then forced herself to leap up. "Well no one here. I haven't met anyone mean here." She said. Though she had yet to meet many others. But she felt safe here in the place she was born. She looked around and then scooted closer to Firefly. "Well mommy took us out she's done it many times but I hate following I get bored." She said. She always thied to get away to explore and do many things. "And there was this cool place it was kinda spooky and that made me interested." She said as she looked at the older woman. She took a deep breath and smiled then frowned. "He was really big and brown like this" she said showing her paws. "He never said his name but He had tails and he he he eated the tip of my tail." She said starting to cry a little. "He said he'd teach me about death and he threw me and kicked me and he was scarrry." She said as she started to talk faster not taking the time to breath.


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