
OOC: Thank youuu. Big Grin It's good to see you back, I might remember you from waybackwhen, myself. XD I am a crusty old person here. 384.

Trespassers were never regarded kindly in these parts—some were lucky to escape with just a warning, others were beaten back with teeth and claws. The hybrid woman clearly recalled the two Phoenix Valley wolves she'd caught trespassing on these lands. One even appeared to be a coyote hybrid, which perplexed her even further. She did not understand coyotes who chose to live a wolfen lifestyle; it was simply nonsensical to her. She had undertaken such a thing many years ago, but it had not worked out so well—as the long-dead skeletons of Narcyz and Wera might attest to. The other canine appeared to be a coyote, sure—but one could never be absolutely certain. The first Valley wolf had seemed to be completely coyote, after all. The silvery hybrid would not put it past Haku to use coyotes and hybrid coyotes against Inferni—after all, who else was Inferni to trust? War didn't mean they would stoop to allow wolves in their midst. No matter how much wolf blood they carried, the silvery coyote did not think such accord would ever come about between Inferni and the packs.

The other canine appeared not to know he had committed some offense; there was immediate apology for it in his body language, of which Kaena was appreciative. The tension in her face lessened, further decreased as the canine spoke. He started to ask a question but thought better of it, eliciting a strange look from the hybrid woman. Apparently, he was not from around here—it was not so strange to Kaena that other canines from faraway places would be unaware of the caliber of offense it was to cross the borders uninvited. "You are forgiven. I take it you aren't from anywhere around here, then?" she inquired. They had recently acquired three coyotes from Germany—and that was halfway around the world. Jedidiah was from the far, deep south somewhere. "This is Inferni, and I am Kaena Lykoi. You seek to join us?" she asked. "What craft do you hone?" she added, almost as an afterthought. It felt a little like rapid-firing questions at him, but the hybrid was not a fan of standing out on the borders all day; she liked to have these encounters done and over with in minimal time.

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