finding a niche

OOC: <3 SSWM: 412
I am victory
I write history

Feel my fist
On your face
You hate this
I feel great

Cotl could already feel the anger pulsing within his chest. She had dared to tell him that he was not worth submitting to. He had to hold back though, he had to not just rip her throat out and show it to her. At least she hadn't called him short. Her telling him these words would make him snap, no matter whom she may be. She eventually let her knife be sheathed. He didn't have a choice now, he had to withdraw his sword, and he did with a sigh, and a twitch of his neck. Both of his audits were still bent back, and his eyes were like acid. Her attitude was more than enough for him to grow angry, and frustrated. She was the only female that he actually wanted to carve into her body with his sword. This was bad. First impressions weren't going so easy with the two. The horseman sat upon his horse, not willing to dismount any time soon. He would not want to be actually sized up by her, simply because he might have been (more than likely) shorter than the feo, and of course, if he was shorter, and she decided to pick on it as another fault that he had, he would not hesitate to slice into her with his sword.

The male was quick to pull the gas mask from on top of his head to over his face. His hand went to his studded bracelet that he had slipped his lighter into really quick and he took it out and lit the end of his bowl. He didn't care what she thought, or really if she wanted any anyways. He wasn't going to share with a bitch. She had told him her name, with something about him having an "aneurysm". He knew what it meant, and he didn't appreciate it, but he let if go, simply because he was too busy getting his smoke on with his gas mask. This war better kill this bitch. thought the male as he hit his mask and slowly exhaled the smoke. The smoke filtered out on each side of his mask. He completely devoid-ed his lungs of smoke before he again, lit the end of the bowl, and took another hit. Normally I would have said, "Well it's a pleasure", but I'd say this was more of a...-FILTY PEICE OF SHIT- displeasure. the male spoke, his German accented voice edged like his own sword.


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