soft inter moments
Ooc- maybe Firefly needs a thread with Ayita after this.. Big Grin Sosu-984
Firefly would admit it to no one but she did have a weakness for puppies. She had been devastated when Cercelee and Haku had taken her pups from her and when she had been told that death would be the answer if she appeared on Dahlia de Mai’s lands again she hated them for it all. She had known that she wasn’t guilt free in the whole chain of events that had lead to her banishment but she wasn’t the only one to blame. Now though she had come to terms with the events and had worked hard to build her own life away from the eyes of the pack she loathed so much.

She had begun to feel the excitement grow and bubble inside her at the idea of being a mother again. She hadn’t thought that she’d want pups, seeing how she hadn’t been ready for the first litter but as time had pushed on and she’d watched the children of the pack appear and begin to grow she realized that she had indeed missed her boys. It had not been planned; carrying Jacquez’s litter but she did not view it as a disgrace either. They were the children of the king and they would always have a place in the pack, even if their father didn’t believe they were worth anything. She would just have to prove to him when it came down to it that puppies were indeed worth all the mischief and trouble they tended to cause.

A smile appeared on her lips at the thought, her eyes moving to look at Amaranth as she spoke of the grave matter of trying to convince Ayita into letting her have a cat of her own. Firefly chuckled as she wrinkled her nose. ”Well, if she won’t let you then you can always come and play with Elroy.” She doubted that the young cat would care; he spent most of his time playing his own games, having someone to play with him when Firefly was busy or not in the mood for his foolish roughhousing would probably be good for him. It would serve him right if he did object, the runt was always causing enough trouble for Jacquez and her as it was.

Her short whiskers twitched as Amaranth went on, talking about how easy it was to weasel out of trouble when she did find herself under the all knowing eye of her mother. Firefly knew that all mothers had a weakness for their pups, knowing that she would probably let her own boys get away with murder if it came down to it. She raised a brow at Amaranth’s cockiness instead and asked. ”Is that right?” Firefly herself actually had had the same view on life when she was younger. Rules were meant to be broken, to a degree, but she had learned quickly growing up that you had to be tricky in how you broke the rules and how to keep yourself from getting into trouble after the rules were broken, or in some cased how to get out of trouble when you were caught.

She missed the times when she was younger, when she was still able to get underfoot and get away with it, but she was grown now and there were a whole new set of rules and challenges that stood before her. She knew sooner or later she’d find herself in trouble there too(actually she knew she was in her own mess of trouble already) but for now she would keep playing her games and hope the young one would find ways to keep herself entertained as she grew. Firefly knew life could be hard when you were so young. Drama seemed to appear out of nowhere and just breed from there.

Though the child’s ways amused her she couldn’t get away from the chilly feelings that came with the darker news that the girl had brought. Firefly brought her knees up to her chin as she listened to Amaranth speak of the characters of the pack. She was glad to hear that none of the pack’s members had been cruel to her or that she had been wronged in any way. She nodded slowly as she spoke, her voice soft, ”If anyone does give you trouble here just tell me and I’ll set them straight.” Firefly didn’t like to see the children of the pack picked on and she would make certain that it didn’t continue once it was made clear to her what had been happened. She didn’t think that any of their current pack mates would cause trouble but you never knew who would show up next.

Amaranth began her story finally of what happened and lightning seemed to flash in Firefly’s eyes as the girl described her day with her mother and sibling and how it had suddenly gone downhill when she’d become separated from her family. She forced a smile as she admitted. ”I ran off plenty of times to explore on my own too..” She didn’t judge the girl for wanting a bit of adventure at her age but she already knew that something had obviously gone wrong to make the girl doubtful of her own pack mates.
When the truth finally came out and the description of the monster was granted Firefly could feel her hackles begin to rise as she clinched her hands into small fists. Her voice was brisk as she began to realize she had a feeling who this beast was. ”Did he have a light creamy undercoat?” she asked as she pointed towards Elroy’s own creamy fur, ”Like his, only darker?” she bit her lip as she pressed on, ”and.. did he have dark blue eyes, darker than Elroy’s?” Her words faltered at the end as she hoped that Amaranth was not about to tell her that yes, she was describing Haku.

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