
"A war, hm?" The silver-tipped mane on his back rose slightly. "I've been in a few squabbles myself, but not an all out brawl. I guess the coyote in me has made me more of a strategist and coordinator." He scratched at the dirt slightly, thinking about his own warfare. Even though he didn't like violence, he knew it was a necessary evil in this world to keep order and respect. His beads chirped together in a calming sound.

"..if you're worried about these, I put them away when stealth is required." He turned slightly to the pack around his body, there was a leather strap across the front of him and around his chest at the elbow, it was decorated with what almost looked like hieroglyphs. There was a pouch attached and inside the larger chest strap was a hidden knife. "I am prepared for battle when needed, although I'll be the first to find the most efficient and least energy-wasting tactic for victory. I've learned it's also safer if such a plan fails."

Alexander was proud of his intelligence, but not to the point of being haughty about it. Flicking his ears around for sounds, he kept his focus on the female in front of him. He did like her, but in a strictly curious way.

The charcoal male lifted his head to the sky as the waning moon passed behind the clouds and back out again. He loved the crisp, clean feeling of the early spring chill. He began to think back as far as he could, but to no avail. His memory was still missing.



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