You know I'd do anything for you

Shorter is fine, I just keep writing and writing now'a days so no need to match <33
SSWM - 702


There were memories that would forever be a part of Anu, but they were to be banished now. When she breathed her in, looked upon her face with the soft gaze that her own blue eyes gave, it was not to be the panic, the fear and horrid feelings that they had shared the day. They shared so much more. She felt it as their hearts beat so closely now in the dark confines of their bed. They shared a single love that would not be broken so easily by the teeth and claws of a crazed wolf. They shared the need for one another and for the love of the earth, the need for a simple existence. The same bright eyes, the same soil stained palms. Deeper they claimed the similar need to be held, showered with an honest love, the hope to show the other that they were their world. Those were simply memories, dried leaves in the wind of the changing of seasons. It was a change, moving from the dark of winter to the bright life of spring. Rains that could cleanse them, seeds to be plants and blossoms tended to. When Colibi spoke Anu listened with earnest, allow her to pull away but wishing that the other female did not want to.

How could they spread the blame between them? The only creature that deserved such a thing was Haku, for they were both innocent. Anu could see that now, the eyes opened to the shared pain and guilt that the two females felt.
“He is the only one to blame.” Anu spoke, though it was obvious. But there it was. They could have both died that day, and who would have been to blame? Haku, and him alone. They had not wished to face that till now, and as it filtered into the open Anu felt the weight lift from her shoulders. Exposing the truth made seeing Coli, and the future that they could have, more clearly. None of it should have happened, they should have come together without the blood and pain that Coli suffered, but Anu would not be ungrateful that they finally had each other, only wishing the road that led them here had held less bloodshed.

Anu felt the pressure of the younger wolfess’ face burry into the fur of her chest, and wrapped an arm around her. Tears could not be gated, and they burned at the corners of her eyes. But there was a strength there that Anu held too, even if she merely hung on the edge of falling at the hand of her emotions. The small mumbled words made Anu sigh deeply. There had been no other option for her, and would have given her life to save the young females. It was a torturous truth, but Anu did not shy away from it, holding onto that devotion and finding that it radiated a warmth in her chest. This was who she would sacrifice it all for, the young scared woman who trembled under her touch. But Anu found her beautiful, in everyway and could not resist the smallest and seemingly insignificant aspects of her.

“I will do anything for you.” her voice bled the emotions that milled and poured from her wounded heart, the breaks and scars that littered it had only now started to slowly close and heal. The tears that were shed had stopped, but left her cheeks damp. “We are safe here. You don’t need to be afraid. He will not find us, if he even looks.” The Soul male had other things to distract him. Anu assured her that they would be safe, and their lived could finally come together and be one. Anu breathed, looking for the blue eyes that she wished to hold in her own. Water pouring into the sky. Softly she spoke her voice edging on the whispers that Coli had given her,
“I would have left too, if he had taken you.” She admitted, speaking not of Crimson Dreams, not of ‘Souls. She would have left this Earth, she would not have been able to go on fighting any more. Haku would have had to kill her too.


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