see me in the shadows
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4 Rust! <3

Astrum & Luna was a beaten-down store located in to the far west of Wolfville, in (what she assumed to be) the tourist area of the seaport town. Just the place she’d been looking for. Her supplies were running low, and the Rosen had requested that she restock her necessities within Dahlia de Mai territory, as opposed to the store she generally frequented in Halifax. Lillith had obliged, mainly out of curiosity, somewhat hoping to stumble across a few interesting items. All women enjoyed a little shopping every now and then, and she was no different in that sense. Where she differed from the masses was in her choice of trinkets. The Stormbringer femme was mostly fond of incense and candles, the latter being her primary source of illumination. Where she normally resided, sunlight was nil. Great efforts were put into avoiding daytime hours. Residing in a cellar, sleeping away the days and going on adventures during the night, had suited her just fine up until recently.

War required her to be on the same wavelength as the rest of the pack, forcing her to alter ingrained habits. Doing so hadn’t been easy at first, but she was beginning to adjust. When her presence wasn’t needed, the majority of her time was spent in the cellar of Haku Soul’s abode. But today, as the sun lowered in the sky, Lillith decided it was the perfect time to wander around town. A peal of bells rang out as she pushed the door open and finally laid eyes upon the shop’s contents; a wide range of gothic artefacts and appealing ornaments stood before her, all available for the taking. She went to the candle section first, examining each and every one of them with obvious interest. Lavender ones were her favourite, as they brought forth memories of the unspeakable crimes she’d committed alongside her blue-eyed companion. Her sack fell to the floor as she circled the area, stopping every so often to inspect objects here and there.

Her concentration was focussed on the displayed relics and nothing else. She had completely forgotten about her surroundings for a moment, which was something quite atypical of her. However, reality caught up to her as her foot found an inanimate object. A loud “bang!” rang clear as a trash can hit the ground, spewing filth onto the wooden floor. Lillith froze momentarily, fur bristling at the unexpected turn of events; receivers scanning the vicinity for any nearby creatures she might’ve disturbed.


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