on a need to know

Firefly had meant to find Ayita shortly after finding out the truth from Amaranth, but between her personal life and the war that was blossoming around her she had never found a moment. She had thought of speaking of Amaranth’s attacker at the pack meeting but thought the better of it. It was not her place to deem what justice would be served to the bastard. Even if she had wanted the pack to go forth and join Inferni’s cause she was not going to weave them a tale of how horrible the man was, they should have already known. It should not have been because what he did to their pack mates but what he did to any creature. She wished she had said something sooner, perhaps her own fate would have fared better if she had.

It was a long and slow process to the cabin that Vigilante had claimed. It had taken her quite some time to even figure out where the cabin was before she was able to even begin to follow it. Her body was still trying to heal from the beating she’d taken but it wasn’t her own wounds that had caused her to turn bitter towards the rest, she had lost the puppies that she had been carrying, the bastard that had thrashed her had even known that she was with pups. It had taken her almost a quarter of a moon to decide to do something about it rather than whimper and whine over what had been lost.

Her steps were heavy as she came to the front of the cabin, she didn’t know what she was going to say or do but she knew that Ayita had to know the truth. She hoped that Amaranth wasn’t there because she didn’t want the girl to think that she was in trouble since Firefly had come to talk to her mother about what had befallen her. She narrowed her eyes at the thought of what her ex-mate had done before she pushed forward again and paused at the edge of the porch before she called out. ”Ayita.. we need to talk.” Her voice was cold thought not towards the woman whose scent clung to the house. She could tell that she was inside; she only hoped that she could hear her raised voice through the walls.

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