i know you'll look for me one day

Word Count: 374

The woman was surprised she did not have to do much convincing in order to get him to agree to the house. She liked the challenge of fixing it up and it would give her something to do. These lands seemed to be less humanized than the European countries but the woman did not complain. This house, and fixing it up, would give her a sense of independence and able to do something for herself. She up and left one day with barely a goodbye and even less a concern for her parents thoughts on where she was going and ever sense, she wondered if she made the wrong decision. In her time of doubt, Raskolnikov turned it around to make her happy as if she were a queen.

She spun around quickly and laced her fingers around his elbow to pull herself close. He stood taller than she and she had to stretch in order to nuzzle the side of his face. Her arms wrapped around him to give him a gentle squeeze before she let herself back down. The idea that they might have to uproot should he feel threatened never crossed her mind. This was her home. This belonged to her. To them! She could not take the smile from her face as she slipped into the kitchen. It was disarrayed and some of the cabinets were off their hinges. She opened the few that were together and found items she could easily use but there were things missing from the collection. Sonja recollected the man the met the day before mentioning a city a days travel away and decided to bring up the idea of visiting sometime soon.

For now, the house was good enough for them to make it by. She returned back to the door and gripped the threshold. She parted her jaws to ask a simple question in Russian but she came up short when she did not recall the words needed. It was a complicated language to her when she never imagined speaking anything over than Italian. "Al piano superiore?" she asked and moved to find the stair case and put her hand on the railing the led to the second story of their new home.

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