all you could hide from.


The silver-furred coyote sighed at the other canine's response, giving her a half-cross look. It was easy to grow fed up with the Quintus; her answers always seemed cryptic to Kaena, but perhaps that was because the hybrid sought deeper meaning that simply was not there. Vieira was programmed to be straightforward; her purpose was to serve her master, and she did this well. The silver-furred Centurion was comfortable with the other canine, though her reclusive nature often drove her outside of the cave, that was a good thing. Viei's presence had spurred Kaena to leave her own dwelling again, which was quite a good thing thing considering she'd spent the month prior to Viei's arrival pent up in her own here.

The sourness drained from Kaena's face, and she turned, heading for her bed, hopping up to it. She did not show her age in movement very often; without the grizzled fur of her face and the amount of scars she carried it would have been rather hard to determine her true years. The hybrid's scars were the most telling feature, or at least Kaena thought so. She had been acquiring them all her life, and none were simple bibelots: all of them had meaning, all of them had a story, a fight, a conflict lying in wait behind them. Vieira did not carry so many visible scars, but a similar sort of damage existed in the younger coyote, and it made her difficult sometimes. The silvery Centurion was not a particularly patient creature, however, and she certainly was not a psychologist.

The coyote curled up to face the other canine, her yellow-gold eye reflecting dismay toward the Quintus. She hadn't expected some brilliance to come from sharing herself, but perhaps some kind of dialogue; the silvery coyote had yet to crack the code that the tawny canine lived by. The hybrid almost wished she'd come with a manual; certainly Eris would have known how to direct her and control her. "I am," she said, though it did not currently reflect on her face. "I'm also tired," she said. "Maybe I'll be hungry when I wake up," she said, leaving it essentially up to the other canine whether or not to venture out into the rain. It did not sound as if it had lessened any since she'd come in, though her pelt was almost dried.

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