Things Unknown


The pathetic thing squirmed and cried, but Haku knew no mercy and let the fangs dig in further as long as the white canine’s body resisted the least. Minos did not lose his mind entirely, however, and it strengthened Haku’s knowledge of the other wolf further. A quiet grin crawled into Haku’s face, though his eyes were the same empty blue disguising the red glow of the living devil within. Haku’s jaws ripped for a moment more before he let go and investigated the man’s fresh wound as he licked his bloody muzzle. He was almost annoyed at the other Dahlian’s despair. ”I only wish to improve what you are,” he snarled as the well known blood made his neurons scream. ”This will make you stronger.” he continued before he lifted left front paw and bit into the cream hued fur and skin and flesh. When his fangs had dug deep enough to release a decent flow of blood, he turned back to the man and pushed his bleeding limb against Minos’ open wound, pressing hard and trying to somehow smear his own blood into the other man’s bleeding flesh and into the blood flow.

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