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The past few days it didn't seem like Jasper could do much of anything without crying. He couldn't eat, couldn't just walk around, and he certainly couldn't lay down and sleep without bursting out in tears suddenly. That night in the city was still nothing more than a large blur, one that he wished would just clear itself up so he could finally know. The morning after that was easier to remember and the things that played out in his head were frightening. Even more frightening was the fact that he didn't know who the coyote was at all. Who all knew? Who had seen or who had the coyote told? Could he even be sure that it was a coyote at all?

Normally Jasper would have been easily startled by the words from someone else out of nowhere. He would've done anything that he could to make sure that they didn't see him cry, but even after the voice came he only sobbed harder. Broken and hoarse, he answered, not even bothering to lift his head and see who it was. "What isn't wrong with me?" His words only caused him to sob louder, grabbing at the unkempt strands of hair that fell down from his head with his fingers, tugging on the without remorse.


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