

Locke watched the young male from the gaps between the makeshift fence. Curiosity, like before with the skulls, had gripped him in regards to the coyote. His pointed features reminded him vaguely of his mother, but he seemed to be sure of himself, unlike his wayward, irresponsible mother. The woman was anything but a parent to young Locke, and as such it wasn't often the former thief thought fondly of her. But when faced with the very heritage of his past, he was forced into such recollections. Instead, he tried to turn his mind in another direction; perhaps more accurately, the young male reminded him of Bug.

That didn't help either. So Locke ignored it all instead, and canted his head as the kid replied. While he was confident in the truth, he didn't seem keen on sharing it with the hybrid. He, in turn, sighed and shook his head apologetically when the smile was not returned. The scarce rumors he had heard of the clan were mostly true; they did what they did to survive, be it hell or high water, and if that included being more than a little cold to a stranger, so be it. Locke was just at the short end of the deal.

"Nothing specific, though if you call a curiosity about the war brewing a stark crimson between your clan and the wolf pack to the south, then perhaps there is something to be said about it." He replied steadily, "If you don't mind the prodding of an honest stranger, may I ask what started this conflict? Territory? Injury? Love?" He queried with a flick of an ear.

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