on a need to know
words 266

Ayita sat and was reading she had found some books in Halifax and she was happy. Looking at the pages she smiled as she looked at the sleeping pups. They were growing so fast and she knew it would be a short time before they left her. She flipped the page in her book as she started to think about what her mate was now up too? He had opened his home his heart and all he was to her. She was so grateful for everything he had done.

She looked over again at her pups as she sighed. She was really that bad of a mother. She went over to them laying there on a blanket. Amaranth had been battered bitten and attacked. She hadn't told anyone other then Leroy and Vigi. Even then she had not gone into great detail. She had semi seen this man she had spoke of and she wasn't sure who it was.

Ayita stood back up and walked away from both pups as she stopped hearing a voice. She headed for the door as she saw Firefly. She wasn't sure what she wanted, as she stepped through the thresh hold. She took a deep breath and gave a weak smile. "Hello Firefly its good to see you." She said. She didn't have any ill feelings towards her but Ayita hadn't been up to par. "What would you like to speak to me about? Did I do something or anything you need help with?" she asked kindly she had been crying and she was just having one of those days.

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