looking for a shadow of a doubt
Firefly narrowed her eyes when he spoke, her words questioning what he said as she asked, ”Would that make me just as twisted as he is, to want to see him face death in a way that’s deserving of a beast of his kind?” Perhaps Anselm didn’t want to see justice served in that manner but she had no issues with seeing Haku ripped limb from limb, in fact the idea was rather pleasing and if she had any chance to get her hands upon the bastard it wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. She wouldn’t mind letting every soul he’d ever wrong get a mark on the man before he was finished. It was a nice dream but she didn’t know how reasonable it was, was that the kind of death Gabriel had in mind for the monster she wondered.

She let her mind drift from the subject as Anselm informed her that any information she was able to return with would be good in his eyes. She nodded quietly as she was given his thoughts on how the clan might fare if she showed up along their borders. She lifted her head as her emerald eyes glittered dangerously as she admitted. ”I didn’t think I’d be so lucky this time, but I won’t ask for less than Gabriel, Kaena or you when I return.” She glanced towards the lands behind her as she added. ”It should take me long to find what is needed, if I’m lucky. A quarter moon tops..” She would return in a week, if she learned anything else interesting she’d come again, but in a week’s time she’d find herself at the clan’s borders with information gleaned from Dahlia de Mai.

Her ears twitched at the news of Cwmfen. She didn’t like that at all but she’d find a way around it if the woman was indeed gone from the lands. She frowned slightly as Anselm moved on with more information. She nodded quietly before admitted. ”I know Kol, she might be one of the few who would speak of what’s happened in the lands. She doesn’t seem to hold a grudge against what I did to Haku before I left the pack…” She was hesitant on that, not a hundred percent sure herself how Kol felt now but she didn’t believe the woman would offer harm to her, especially in her condition. She smirked as she spoke of her thoughts. ”Kol’s wise, she’d let me life, if only for the pups I bare, if her feelings towards me have changed.” She didn’t think that any of the females in the pack would attack her knowing she was with child, but she didn’t know the new figures who had emerged recently either.

She nodded towards Anselm as she sighed and cast her glance towards home. ”I should be going on.. but I’ll be back soon enough.” She had a long trek ahead of her if she wanted to get back to the cabin before Jacquez did.

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