Magic in december (m)

525 words.

####The doggish man stood beaming, waiting for some sort of response from her in regards to the bedrooms, as if he had never had a prouder moment in his life. In a way, he did not think that he ever had; he had never imagined that he would really be living a life like the one he was about to start. Vigilante had finally done something completely of his own volition when he had asked Ayita to be his forever. His curled tail waved behind him very lightly, as if he could not possibly bear waiting any longer to hear what she would say. In that moment, all that mattered was that her acceptance of him continued. It had been blissful to know that she loved him, as well, and all he wanted was for those feelings to continue. Ayita was an amazing woman, the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, and he found it almost surreal that she was now his mate, officially. It did not matter to him what anyone else thought now, because all that he needed in his life was to know that she was standing beside him completely, as he was her.

####When she finally did speak, his breath caught, as if he had not even considered the possibility. He should have, especially after what she had said in her old house the time he had stopped by to bring her rabbits about wanting more children someday. For whatever reason, Vigilante had not connected that thought to himself and had never really thought that she would want to have children with him. And why not, though? They were mates now, they loved each other, and she was a great mother. It made complete sense that she would want children with her mate now. “Uh, yeah, I guess we could,” he said with a sheepish grin, ruffling his own hair. “I’d like that, actually,” he added, still flustered by the very suggestion from his new mate’s lips. He did not know how soon it could possibly happen, but he did hope that they could find themselves in a very sturdy, stable, loving relationship before they had their own children, but he suspected that would be the case, regardless. Her children with Leroy were still very young, so logically, it would be quite a while before she was able to conceive again.

####Striding to the bed, Vigilante lowered himself next to her, his hand automatically searching for hers on the dark bedspread. Some nights, he slept in his shifted form, but he often enjoyed curling up in his regular dog form. It would be very different to share a bed with someone, but for her, he was absolutely more than willing to make his every effort to make her comfortable. When they did finally go to sleep (for he was sure it would be quite later when they did), then he would be able to see what she was most comfortable sleeping in. All that mattered to him was making her feel comfortable, loved, and at home with him in their house. There was nothing more to ask for.


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