Long Way Off

Word Count: 325

On her way over from Europe, she ran into many wolves on the ships and on their travel north that did not understand her and more times than not, Raskolnikov had to take over the conversation and speak for her. She could have a basic conversation, broken and blurry and often times incorrect, but at least she could get some words out. When she heard the words, however, she was at a loss and a couple of the words Zynex said caused no stimulation in her mind that gave her a match to an Italian word. Her eyes narrowed slightly in thought and searched her mind up and down until she came to the conclusion she was already confused.

When she came up empty handed, she focused on the other words to piece together the meaning. Sorry and lands might have been enough and she just smiled with a bit of a shrug. "I just live here," she said, though it was not what she meant. She only moved in a few days ago and was still adjusting to a more barbarian sort of lifestyle, though she was making the most of it. "Mio marito... my uhm," she began and struggled, wishing she would have tried a little harder to learn more but had become stubborn and attached to her home and native tongue. "My love," she decided to go with, filling in a similar word she knew but felt it was not correct, "we just move here from Europa."

The young woman smiled a little more and tried to keep it on her features to remain friendly. "Freddo," she said with a movement of her hands across her arms to indicate the weather and her head turned toward her house. "In?" she asked and smiled, inviting the woman inside where it was warm and she could get a chance to meet someone of these lands even if there was a language barrier between them.

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