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I want something good to die for

To make it beautiful to live

Faolin nodded her head, even though she was something like eighty to eighty-five per cent coyote she still considered herself to be one. She was a hybrid of sorts, but none of her it seemed was coyote in the least. The girl was tiny like a coyote, she sounded like a coyote, except there sometimes were a slight wolf-like howl in her voice, but it only came out when she was extremely stressed or sad. Her whole build was that of a coyote. Except that little bit of her howl, she was fully a coyote from inside out. A lot of the 'coyotes' here were hybrids of sorts, very few if any at all anymore, were full blooded coyotes.

"Well, some of us are hybrids, but look more like coyotes, so they stay here. Coyotes are not allowed to join the wolf packs. Although, I think the rules are stupid around here," she snorted. Faolin was not wishing to join any of the wolves packs, but she thought it was dumb and it only separated them all the more from each other. The discrimination only drove the hate further and thus the large feud between coyotes and wolves would never end. Her tail swished back and forth behind her.

"A D'Angelo? I can't remember meeting anyone, but I am sure I have heard the name. Hmm, maybe I am just being forgetful again," she was tired, and her memory lately was not serving to be the best. The queen looked down at her children who forced their way back underneath her and burying their muzzles into the soft fur of her stomach and legs. "They are only a month old and yes, they are very cute," she smiled watching as Talitha peeked out from behind Faolin's foreleg yet again. She started to creep forward towards the boy to explore, but stopped abruptly about a tail length from him and stared up at him with those bright puppy-blue eyes that would soon morph into red or yellow, it was hard to tell.


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