A new world for a new day
ooc- I am sorry for the wait, my own computer has a virus and I am using a friend's computer at the moment

The young wolf listened to the older wolf scold him from slipping out of the cave without his parent's watchful eyes on him. With a displeased huff, he replied with a rather annoyed tone. "Hmph....who are you? My mom? I don't like staying in the cave...it's boring!" He then rolled onto his back to scratch it on the ground, attempting to get a place to itch. "Besides, if I listened to my parents all the time, I wouldn't get to meet cool people like you Aria!" He then chuckled and rolled back on his belly, now looking towards the horizon.

As he listened to her explanation, he chuckled lightly. Was that really how it worked? The moon was hiding from the sun? It didn't seem like it made sense, but he was young enough to believe it, although was slightly skeptical. He wasn't going to outright question her, but the story seemed very sad, to which he frowned lightly. "I feel bad for the sun then." He said as she finished the story, "He loved the moon, but now she's running away from him, making him lonely in the sky...and now he is spending all his time chasing her...too bad he couldn't learn how to love her correctly..." Aro was surprised that even he had said something so intelligent, but that's how he felt about it, the sun was now a sad being, sort of shattering his view of it altogether, he thought the sun was beautiful and vibrant, just like the moon, but to hear the sun's character was so obsessive was certainly not something Aro liked to hear.

However, like every other day, the bright light began to creep over the horizon as the giant ball of light rose into the sky, and Aro's frown turned into an impressed and excited smile. "...Wow....it's so pretty..." Aro said with a smile as he got to his feet and sort of bounced around on the balls of them, cocking his head in curiosity towards the rising light. Eventually he had to turn his head away as it became so blinding to him, he turned his head back to Laidaria and asked her. "do you think the sun will ever find the moon? And maybe...maybe he will apologize for the way he was acting?"
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