it's all bittersweet

Alaine can come in whenever. SoSuWriMo 471

The ride back to Cour des Miracles had been one of the longest he had ever made. His jaw had been clenched tight as he held Firefly's battered form in place, trying to keep her from jostling around too much. They needed to get back as quick as possible, and yet he couldn't urge Drogon into a full on gallop for it would have caused the woman additional damage and pain. The going had been slow and Haven feared that every second that ticked by brought her closer to the end. He wanted to kill the bastard that had done this to her, and the woman too. He would have if the damn cowards hadn't ran off. If Firefly hadn't been in such bad shape he would have gone after them, but she was bleeding all over the place and he knew that it hadn't been the time for revenge. If he ever saw either of those two again though they would meet a quick demise at the end of his sword. Anyone who would attack a pregnant woman deserved no less.

They had made it to the stable and he had carefully gotten off of Drogon with Firefly and laid her down in some hay on the ground. The Knight was afraid to move her any further than he already had. Her blood stained his front as well as the stallion's back and sides, the scent covering his nose like a noxious cloud. As he looked at her tears threatened his eyes, but he couldn't break down, she still needed his help. He vaguely remembered word of that one woman at the pack meeting being a healer and he ran out to the front of the stables and let a loud and urgent howl forth calling for anyone with healing knowledge. He could only do so much for her and all of his supplies were back at his house. He couldn't leave her alone to go fetch them, it would take too much time.

A yelp reached his ears and his call cut off abruptly as he rushed to her side, kneeling beside her. "I'm here Firefly, I'm right here." Worry filled him and it was all he could do to not break into a panic. The healer better get her soon, she needed help. If she died he would never forgive himself. It didn't matter that she had been far from home, it was his job to protect her and if he hadn't gotten her to help in time it would be an agony indescribable. She started to cry and said something about it being too soon. What was too soon? The male held back worried whine. "I called for the healer, she should be here soon, just hold on Firefly." Don't die, he pleaded silently. Please don't die.


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