missing title
I want something good to die for

To make it beautiful to live

Faolin felt the girl jump beneath her and she moved away looking her up and down. The blood scent was thick in her nose and it was not only her back she could smell it from. If anyone knew what she was going through at the moment, it was Faolin. Her father had done so many things to her and her mother, she ran, scared for a long time until she stumbled upon Inferni. She did not want to be touched, looked at or anything, she just wanted to curl up in a hole and be miserable. That had been a long time ago and she had grown to trust Segodi very quickly along with her new adopted siblings. God how she missed Nyika and Tedros. There was not a day that went by that she did not think of them. Red eyes searched the face of the other. She could feel it coursing through her, the lies that she was holding back. Fear? Confusion? So many things were running through Rachias' head that it was overwhelming to Faolin and she had to pull her mind away from her.

"I will help you with those, give me a moment. There should be a bucket of water in the kitchen," she said, going out of the room and quickly returned with a large pale filled with water. It would be easier for her to just get water with the puppies in her house instead of running out of the house to get a drink. She would refill it later. On her way up she stopped in one of the spare rooms to grab old blankets, towels, clothes and so on that she could use. Entering the room where Rachias was staying Faolin made her way slowly over to the girl and putting the bucket down on the floor. She tore away long strips of cloth from one of the new blankets she had brought up and dipped it into the water a couple times before ringing it out. She rolled it up and then turned to Rachias. "Turn around so I can help you," she demanded, but her tone was motherly and filled with worry. "Rachias, I need you to tell me what happened. I swear I won't breathe a word to anyone, I just need to know. If you don't want to tell me, fine, but I just need to make sure no one else is going to get hurt."


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