missing title
I want something good to die for

To make it beautiful to live

Did she even know what the act of sex was? What it had meant the first time Faolin and Gabriel had ended up in each other's arms. It had meant so much to her and she still remembered that day, it was vivid in her mind and she would always remember it. Though, this was slightly different. Rachias was probably still too young to understand exactly what Samael did. Faolin did not know how to bring it up and was at a loss. She needed to hear it from her though, maybe get her to somehow explain what he did. Samael had done this for sure though and she knew exactly what went on. The smell of everything was mixed, sweat, blood, semen and so on. Did Rachias know what he was doing to her? Did she understand the concept of sex? How her own puppies were born into the world because of it? But, it was in a completely different way, Gabriel and her agreed and talked it over and thought it would be a good time to bring a new litter into Inferni.

Rachias turned around in front of her and Faolin sighed as she lightly patted the thin lines of blood that trailed down her back. After the cloth was filled up with a bit of blood she dipped it back into the water, rang it out again and listened to the girls words. "Well, that is good to know, could you explain what he did, hunny?" she asked. It was clear now, Rachias had no idea what he had taken from her. Faolin used her free hand to run it through the girl's hair whispering a soft "Shh," to calm her. She gently padded down her back working at the deep gashes along her back. "Let's just clean you up first, then we can go see Talitha and Ezekiel if you want? They are just in the other room," she smiled. First she would just try and calm Rachias down, if she did not want to answer her questions Faolin would try again later.


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