envy on the coast
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on a roooooll

Even if Snake told him his family's history in Canada, the redhead would have had a hard time believing him. Even though his own parents had encountered coyotes in their lifetimes, Strelein had not, as he had most likely already told this male. They told their child that those coyotes were migrating somewhere northwards, perhaps northwest (though that was the only way to go by land in regards to the location of their pack lands). The encounter had been a brief one, with hackles raised on both sides before the nomads kept moving onwards to wherever it was they were heading to. Strelein nodded at the coyote's comments, fully agreeing with them on his own personal level. He, too, felt inclined to dislike the species with a strangely natural ease. "You think it's the genes? Like long ago the hatred was bad enough to get ingrained?" He thought it had to be so. Though the male did not know what had caused the hatred from the beginning, but he assumed it had to do over prey migration rights, or perhaps lands. He did not know for sure, nor did he know how to find out. All of what he learned about it in passing had been legends and stories told by the sitters. "It sort of makes sense, I guess. Or is it learning by example?"

If Strelein still found the coyote's lack of true emotional expression alarming, he made little to no show of it. He figured there would be nothing to do to fix that, and the conversation was still going despite it. So, why fix what is not broken? Or attempt to at least. In truth, he did find it strange, still, and wondered how the male did that. Where did he learn to hold everything in like that with such ease? Strel would burst if he tried that, or grow so bored that he would go out of his way to be obnoxious and seemingly bipolar. The redhead was an emotional creature and that was that. Though passion driven as he was, he still could see the way the world worked with enough clarity to know that idealism had no place in conflicts. Reality was reality, nothing could change that. But he did hope, so that was all he needed to know. Hope could not take the place of the present, but it could give drive and meaning to the future. Strel was somewhere on the fence between idealistic and realistic, but he knew where was on that line.

Giving a look of surprise, the redhead bit his lip to keep from laughing. It was not hard to see why Daisuke and this male were friends. The blond was probably the one responsible, and most likely the key player in that relationship. "Oh I met him, yes. He's quite interesting, to say the least. Really nice too. I never did peg him for the 'I hate coyotes' type. I don't think he even has an 'I hate so and so' emotion in his body." It was true, for the blond had been nice, loud, and fun. There was nothing there to hate, though the strangeness was sometimes a bit blatant. Strel did not mind, for that was what made him interesting. Snake and Daisuke getting along suddenly made more sense, since they seemed to balance each other out quite well.

But at the mention of Naniko, the redhead gave a searching look to the air beside the coyote's face, blanking out for a moment. Then, focusing back on Snake, he said plainly, "I don't know her." Strel turned to look at the water, watching it rage and froth against the rocks. "but I do know one of her sons, I think, as well as one of her daughters. Her daughter I know well. She's quite nice, her daughter I mean. Though I assumed Naniko would be nice enough to have Mati be as nice as she is." Strelein laughed slightly, looking back at Snake once more. "But I can say with ease that you're the only coyote I've met that's nice."

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