on a need to know
She shifted her weight uncomfortably. She didn’t need Ayita’s apologies or her emotions. She wanted nothing but the past few days to be erased from her mind. She raised her eyes back up to the other woman as she spoke quietly. ”It doesn’t matter Ayita, it’s in the past now. I can’t bring them back and neither can you.” All she wanted now was to forget that the pups had ever begun to grow in her womb, if she could put it far behind her it wouldn’t hurt as much.

She sighed softly as she shook her head. ”Jac will need to know. It’s obvious that the pack will have little to do with the war, and there are some that shouldn’t, but Jac knows what is at stake and he will find your information useful in some way.” She glanced towards the quiet room where the children slept as she frowned slightly. ”They will need protected, If Haku finds them again he probably won’t be so nice next time.” She lifted her eyes to Ayita as she spoke of friendship and Svara, Firefly winced as she realized that what Ayita said was true. She shifted again as she admitted. ”I don’t like change, and when you admitted that Leroy was the father of your pups you reminded me of what was slowly happening to my friends and my world. I can accept change where it is needed.. but sometimes not when my friends and family are concerned.” she glanced away as she muttered. ”But there’s little left of the small family that began when this pack was formed. We’ve moved on and expanded and though we still claim allegiance to one another we hardly talk at all it seems.” Firefly just wanted her friends back but half were scattered across the sea, a few scattered about the pack she could never return to and those that she could cling to seem to drift further away as they matured. She closed her eyes and sighed, wishing that she could just turn back time to the happier moments in her life.

Firefly lifted her frame from the floor as she glanced towards Ayita and finally agreed to the pleading the woman had hopelessly stated over and over again. ”I can be your friend if you want, but you might regret that someday. I’m prickly, outspoken and I have no fear of speaking what’s on my mind.” Her eyes softened slightly as she admitted. ”But I am loyal to my friends.” She couldn’t exactly say the same for her family, but in her mind her friends were more family than half the ones whos blood she shared. She smiled slightly to the woman as she asked. ”Now what are we going to do about Amaranth…” She knew that once she healed she would go right back to assisting Inferni in the war, she didn’t care if Gabriel wanted her there or not, she’d offered her help and Anselm had accepted it. She just needed to know if Ayita wanted to keep the truth secret still or if she would let it be known to a select few.

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