My head gets so confused

well... hello

Border patrols were up, visitor down and Anu was trying her hardest to stay close to the Manor. She and Savina were doing their best to keep the pack safe, and watch for anything might find the stresses of war unbearable and sought their pack lands for comfort. The female found the urge to seek out Alexey, and tell her herself that she was welcomed with Crimson Dreams, almost unbearable, but even the single meeting had shown Anu the honey colored female’s strength. She had family that she was not about to leave. Yet Anu remained close to home, and it of course was far from completely uncomfortable. The lean silver and sand fey entered the Manor after a brief stalk around the grounds; mind focused on the tasks that would busy her enough to keep her mind from becoming idle. She had to speak with Mati, though as she knocked on the door, and then opened it as her motherly right allowed, Anu did not find her daughter present.

The Lt. General turned to the stairs, and let a long and needed sigh exhaled from her mouth. She walked up them slowly, now too tired to try and find Mati for the not so important story she wished to tell. Anu wandered down the hall, stopping at the door to her own room and looking in it. The bed was neatly made, and since Anu was not the sort to make it she knew that Colibri was out and around the territory. Secretly she wished Coli was not far, but dismissed the worry and only blamed the stress thoughts of war brought her.

The blue eyed woman turned and walked down the hall once more, finding it was not just her paw steps that she heard. A finger went to the fly-away stands of strait mane, tucking it back behind an ear while she noticed that at least one of the Manor’s rooms was not empty. Cambia’s voice struck her attention and her deep earthen tone in the doorway caught her eye. Anu stopped to knock politely on the ajar door, a soft smile on her face she waited to be acknowledged. If the young female were busy then Anu would understand, but she hoped to at least say ‘hi’.



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