we are the children of the world

Word Count: 346

Sonja's hands reached up to rub the outside of her arms and found little comfort. It was much warmer inside with the heat stoves burning and she suddenly remembered to remind Raskolnikov to search for an axe in order to break down wood for the stoves. If they ran out, it would be a cold winter and the woman was so used to a civilized sort of colony that without it it would be miserable. Her jaw tightened at the thought and she jerked herself to a standing position to remind him so she would not forget. Unfortunately, her mind stopped head in her tracks at the sound of a voice and she quickly spun around to look at the dark figure in her yard. Her eyes narrowed and her arms dangled by her side until she lifted one to grab the post of the porch to steady herself.

It was then his accent registered upon her ears and her jaw became slack for a second. "Hello," she said tentatively. Her own accent just as thick and she contemplated speaking. "Lei parla l'italiano?" she questioned carefully as if he might not understand. She always got blank looks when she spoke to someone in her own tongue and they did not understand, a similar look she always had when they spoke to her in words far from her understanding of the English language. Most times she had to get her husband in order to talk to her through the conversation but she hoped, over time, it would start to grow on her and she would be able to hold a conversation long enough to make a real friend.

His presence made her feel weird and out of place. He almost seemed defensive to her being here and she had the urge to explain. She currently held herself back should he not be able to speak Italian and she would have to find the words in English or turn to get her mate. Either way, her heart raced in anticipation to find out the answer to her question.

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