It's the bough we break to blow away
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lol, yeah... soulschat leads to some amusing things. XD And slow Jenny is slow again. :x 522

Ehno followed the younger Dreamer through the familiar halls of the manor, a bit of the shock from Mati’s sudden question still with him. It was an odd thing for Ehno to feel so hesitant to speak about his little ones. Usually the man could find plenty about them to proudly ramble on about, yet right now he had to work to allow his tongue to form those words. Perhaps the unease stemmed from the fact that he had yet to speak of the little ones to anyone who may still harbor ill feelings toward him and Naniko for what had happened. Speaking with Savina had given him some confidence, but this was the first time he had encountered any from Naniko’s first litter after the incident. He took Mati’s comment and smile as an unspoken invitation to continue speaking if he wished to. Throwing caution to the wind, he decided to share some more about the puppies in Phoenix Valley with her. “Yes. Three are girls and one’s a boy. Rio, Lucia, Caprica, and Harlowe.” That knot of nervous anticipation that sat within his stomach when he first spoke of them seemed to slowly fade away.

Ehno glanced around the sun room as they entered. It was filled with warm natural light, the sun’s rays filtering through the wide windows that lined the room. It was perhaps the perfect place for Mati to have chosen for her craft. The natural light gave the room a comfortable feeling and the perfect atmosphere for a creative task. The abundant lighting would provide her with a perfect view of her paints and allow her to create spectacular works without hindrance. He followed the young woman to where she placed the boards she had carried onto an empty chair. The male placed his own bundle of wooden boards onto the chair with hers, moving a few of them to the floor to lean against the chair when it seemed they would topple to the ground.

Mati let the topic shift into a slightly different direction, mentioning Ghita and Jazper’s litter and her role as the pack’s nanny. “You’re the nanny? Well, congratulations.” He peppered his words with a smile. The Marino man was glad to hear that the girl had taken up that task. She was certainly a caring and responsible soul, and he had no doubt that she would do wonderfully at the job. “If the puppies turn out anything like Ghita when she was young, you will certainly have your hands full,” he commented with a grin. While Ehno and Savina had their share of adventures as young puppies, Ghita had plenty of her own as well. She had never been one to be content with sitting quietly around. He wondered just how similar Aro and Sophia might grow to be like their parents. A bitter thought that his children would not have the chance to play here with their cousins crossed through his mind, but he dismissed it rather quickly. He had had enough of those thoughts plaguing his mind lately and he would not need to dwell on them any longer.

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