love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden
I should be in beeed... 508

Savina’s comment stung, though he knew she didn’t intend it to. His gaze shied away to one of the barren corners of the room as some of that familiar shame crept over him. Never would have intended for things to work out like this. He and Nani had certainly not been entirely clear-headed when they had gotten together and neither of them could have foreseen what would happen at the time. They had both been blinded by strong emotions that night, and as a result they walked down a path they would not have been so quick to take had they been able to think things through. Despite all this, Ehno could not say that he regretted his actions. That would be saying he regretted his children, and that was a thought that could never cross the Marino man’s mind. The time he spent with those four pups was already among the most precious in his life. He could never regret that.

While part of him (rather hypocritically) was not pleased with the fact that Ghita and Jazper had gotten into that situation, he felt certain that they must feel the same way that he did. Children were dear things, and while bringing them into the world was not something that should be taken lightly, he knew that no one in his family could ever regret the birth of the young ones, no matter how they came to be. So Ehno pushed away that awful feeling of shame, that he had perhaps let his family down, and instead focused on the fact that he was now blessed with another niece and nephew to love. "Vedo," he said simply, any words of possibly criticism for what had happened now lost to him. "Almeno tutto ha risolto per il migliore, nella fine." He garnished the comment with a slight sigh. Such sudden changes in life seemed inevitable to him now, and to wish otherwise seemed like a foolish and dream-like thing.

Ehno finally returned his gaze to his sister, feeling both exhausted and alert in the wake of all this shocking news. He leaned his head against her shoulder briefly, in an act to feel some small form of comfort. He lifted his head after only a brief moment, amber gaze seeking her familiar emeralds. "Mi dice per favore che quelli sono le sole sorprese che lei deve dividere con me?" he asked, another slight attempt at humor, though by now the humor had drained from even his own voice. He didn’t know if he could handle any more shocking news for the night. If there were any more odd twists of fate for the Marino’s to face, Ehno was certain he would have to seek fate itself out to find out why so much had befallen them within them last few months. All he wanted to do now was to sit there with his sibling and imagine that everything was alright. After all the twists and turns the Marinos were suddenly faced with in life, they deserved a reprieve.

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