too close for comfort
Firefly had been again to leave when she’d heard a slight sound behind her, her emerald orbs turned towards the noise and surprise lit her eyes when she noticed the child who belonged to Cour des Miracles. She hesitated, knowing that she had no right to be on these lands but having every intention to find out what Night was doing here. She growled slightly to herself and hoped that the girl hadn’t decided to follow her from the pack’s lands. She shifted her weight and gave in, sighing as she padded across the sands to stand before the child.

”Well, what are you doing here Night?” She asked, remembering that it had indeed been a long time since she’d seen the girl. She flicked her ears back as she studied her, realizing that the girl held the scent of Dahlia de Mai. She snarled, her fangs bared as she demanded more. ”Why have you been in Dahlia de Mai’s territory, you don’t belong there!” She couldn’t help but remember that she didn’t belong either and currently she risked losing her life being right here right now. Why did things always have to get worse before they got better. She eyed the child, wondering if she would be able to carry her all the way home without a fuss and uproar.

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