the wizard and i

She never would have guessed that Jefferson was the type to like odd! Naniko looked at her queerly for a moment before recognizing the name that the silver wolf had said. She did think that Addison still lived in Dahlia de Mai; she had been sending little notes to the girl via bird for the last few months, communicating with her about what she knew about the family and about Naniko's adopted sister Dierdre, who, apparently, was the girl's mother.
"I've never met her, but I've written her letters. Someone must have taught her how to read and write, because I do get responses on occasion. She's my adopted sister's child...and also the daughter of Cerulean D'Angelo, a cousin of mine."

She and Caprica followed Geneva inside, the pup sitting down near the pile of blankets. She sneezed when Geneva picked a few up, then yawned. The white mother grinned at her active pup. When the woman tossed the blanket over Nani she let it fall right over her head, then stretched her arms out in front of her. Ahhh! She couldn't see! She pulled it away from her face then wrapped it around herself. Caprica could sit with either adult for the story, whoever she felt like sitting with.


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