
-fails- don't keeel meee <3

They began to walk back into Aniwaya and the female walked alongside the other two. She did not take the lead, wanting to stick back and talk to them without having to shout over her shoulder or something. She'd had Utriu with her for what felt like forever, even if it had only been for a year or so now. The whale was more than her best friend; she spoke to him about anything and everything. She didn't know what it was that had drawn the orca to her; at first she had thought that he was just another animal, not a spirit guide. But after her journey she had realized that he wasn't alive and that he was there to guide her through the hard parts of life...and celebrate the happy parts.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure what causes a certain animal to be drawn to a certain wolf. It could be a part of their personality, or maybe some connection that they've had with that type of animal in the past. I'd never seen a whale before Utriu introduced himself to me, though. My spirit guide is an orca whale." An orca whale who was choosing to be very invisible at this time. "If you'd like to meet him I could ask that he make his presence known. The spirit guides don't really come from a once-living animal...they are spirits who have chosen to stick around in this world instead of moving on"

table by Jenny

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