a guilty mind needs to confess

Word Count: 502

In Character

With the exclusion of family, Gabriel’s only friend was Hybrid. This was, of course, a very horrible example of a friend. He didn’t think that they would be considered this, though, given that their dynamic was one of superior and subordinate, and they valued each other only for their strength, nothing more. Had Hybrid been weak, or at all soft, Gabriel would have dismissed him in an instant. There was no place in his world for the weak and the useless. Where his trust lay was with those who had proven themselves; in his cousin, whom had accepted him only after a test of strength, and in those members of his clan that had drawn blood or shed their own in order to protect their home.

Rikka had been reborn in the sun, in a land of flowers and peace that Gabriel did not know. He was born through blood and fire, in the desert where reason had belonged to madman. God and the Devil lived out there, surrounded by bleached bones and human ruins. They had no purpose living in such a place, but they had fought and died for it. His past was cut in his face, in his body, and radiated through every black-tipped strand of fur and every grain of sand that had stained his coat and left behind the illusion of a coyote he had arrived with. No more did he pretend to be such a thing, as he had when he had arrived. Gabriel was a wolf, and Gabriel was a coyote, but he was neither so long as that duality tore into his reason. Baneesh had not died for nothing, and if his blood had proven anything, it was that wolves were wicked. By and large, they were all the same. And Gabriel, with his mixed blood, was no different.

His eyes remained hard, irritated that she had led him on for so long. Gabriel was not used to pleasant conversation, and having it ruptured by the sudden business at hand more then doubled his unpleasant reaction. A growl rippled up from his chest, muzzle twitching and ears pushing forward with a sudden dire purpose. What did she expect, coming to him with idle banter when there was something else on her mind? The information was not as terrible as he had initially believed, but the fact of the matter was that it had come to him from his sister, and not from the matron when she was his co-leader, of all things. Almost as suddenly as she had finished speaking, Gabriel was moving, pushing himself to his feet. “A slave?” He asked, but the question was redundant. The idea of a slave was arcane, and did not belong here, much less in Inferni of all places. Kaena should have understood what Gabriel was trying to do, and having a leader of the clan running all over another canines—another coyotes freedom was destroying everything he had fought to build during his time as Aquila.

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