let's just stop, drop everything
Eeeeee! Excitement! Big Grin Gonna go ahead and mark it as mature ;3 423

When he had asked her to meet him at the edge of the forest a strong curiosity had been sparked in her. It had taken a great deal of restraint to keep herself from pestering him, questioning as to what it was he had in store. It was clear though that he wanted it to be a surprise and she wanted it to be one too. A smile was plastered on her face as her four paws carried her out of Crimson Dreams' territory and out into the neutral lands. For the moment, the shadow the war had cast over everyone was gone. Not even the cold temperatures or the slight flurries that danced through the air could dampen her mood. She was going to meet her love and see what it was that he had prepared for them. The further she went the more the excitement stirred in her chest and her legs picked up the pace, unable to wait any longer than she had to. The faster she moved the sooner she would find out. Within seconds she had progressed into a full out run, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

At the pace she had jumped in to it did not take her long until the faintness of Kansas' scent reached her nose. Savina slowed, panting, her breath making small clouds in the air before her face. When she came to a stop she let her body slip into the change that would take her into her bipedal form. Reopening her jeweled eyes she stood up on two feet and returned to her quick pace to reach her mate, her heart beating quickly both from her exertion and from the excitement that was bubbling inside. The forest began and the Dreamer dodged through the trees, her gaze peeled for the sight of her beloved, her nose leading the way. There was another scent that was close to his, but it was unlike anything she had smelled before. It didn't take long for her to see what it belonged to though. She caught a glimpse of his pristine fur, though it was much higher than she had expected.

Her white knight truly looked the part now, seated so majestically on the back of a massive steed. Savina gaped at him, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "Kansas!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing. Slowly she walked closer, her eyes scanning over the large hoofed beast. "This is amazing!" The Italian looked up to his blue eyes, his goal of surprise completely accomplished.


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