A way the roots holds in a flower
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Xeris had spent the morning explaining to the pups what had been happening in the 'Souls lands recently. It was a difficult topic, but her children--particularly the boys--just wouldn't take no for an answer. So she told them what she knew about the war, though this was admittedly very little. Inferni's conflicts with Phoenix Valley got a brief mention, but she wasn't going to bring up her fight with Kaena. The children would learn about that someday, but now was not the time.

Her ears perked forward upon the sound of footsteps outside the door. The pups stirred excitedly as the door opened and Pendzez entered--to Xeris' surprise, he was with someone else, who she soon recognized as his sister Flayra. The children greeted their father with playful yips, while Xeris turned to the other white wolfess. "Flayra," she began, "It's good to see you again. I hope you've been well." Her attention turned back to the young ones at her feet for a moment. "Children," she told them, "This is your aunt Flayra. She has come to visit and meet you. Why don't you introduce yourselves?" Six tiny eyes focused upward on the other white wolfess in silence for a moment, before the little voices piped up. "Carwyn!" "Delwyn!" "Xion!" A smile came to Xeris' face at the excitement of her children, and she looked to Pendzez for a moment before returning her gaze to Flayra. "So, how are things in Crimson Dreams?"

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