contaminating everything [p]

I swear I replied to this, was so convinced that I just went through every single post link in my sosu count to find it, and I wanted to find out if I accidentally posted elsewhere. . . Nada, I'm just a suck. o.o; But a confused suck. 620 words.

####She smirked heavily at his words, the meaning behind it not completely missed. Lolita was always one to appreciate a good deal of flirting—and more, when she could find someone to give it to her. It never meant much to her at all, but when she found someone good, there was always a chance that she would go back to them for more. She did not mind spreading her love around multiple times, it was a nonissue. “Maybe you’ll have to give me a pick-me-up sometime,” she suggested with a small laugh of her own. She would not mind getting something like that from Rurik, not one little bit. He knew his alcohol and his herb, and seemingly everything else. It only seemed logical he would be experienced, per se, in other matters. A coy grin passed over her muzzle at the idea of being intimate with the pirate, even if it was only once, but it would not be today. Maybe soon, though.

####The broken bits of a family that had existed between those that were blood related to her were not ones she enjoyed thinking about, knowing all too well how awful family could be to one another sometimes. It was most unfortunate, especially when bad actions brought about the vengeful sides in people. Lolita had never been an angry individual, but simply annoyed at her condition and her state of being. Her body had never been right, but that had been her only real qualm with life before her death. But it had been the actions of her awful brother that had brought out the worst in her, the desire to hurt him and everyone else she felt deserved it increasing by the day. The hatred lurked beneath her skin, simmering until it would finally be released in some form, ignored on most days. She had not always been like this, though, and she hated knowing how much she had changed in death. There was really nothing good of her left.

####“Do you often bring ladies home for dinner?” she asked, mocking an innocent tone, trying with incredibly difficulty to stifle the grin that threatened to spread at those words while she attempted to pout at the mere suggestion of him bringing home someone else. Of course she did not care if he did, because she would certainly never begrudge him, or anyone else, their taste in having many partners. Still, it was fun to joke around with him in a way she rarely ever did, as if she did not have much else to worry about. That could also be related to the combination of alcohol and smoke, as she did not partake in the former nearly as much as the latter of the two. She had never been overly concerned with the way she felt when drinking or smoking, but had only been smoking so much due to her death. It was good for her to keep her body moving, and the side effects of smoking were only that—side effects, nothing she went out of her way for.

####The idea of trying something else, however, was very intriguing. Drugs had never been part of her social life, something she had done alone for so long that it seemed strange to think that there were so many here who smoked as she did. It was less surprising to hear that there were drugs she had not heard of, as she did things alone, but she found the idea completely enthralling. “Yes, please do! I would like to try these things, with you,” she added, hoping he would look her up either way. The Russian pirate was most definitely fun, and Lolita enjoyed his company.

Table by Samael Lykoi!

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