sic transit gloria

Why hello there. <3

It was nice to let his guard slip for a few moments. Even among the clan, where (for the most part) Silas felt relatively safe, he didn’t feel as if he could let his guard down at all. The Dahlia wolves would be looking for anyway to get in – to hurt the clan in any way it could. Inferni’s numbers had swelled as of late, and the young Russian wouldn’t be surprised if the wolves wouldn’t try to eliminate some of them. Plus, there was always the Hydra whom Silas loathed so much. Even though they now were amongst the same ranks, Silas knew Hybrid would always have one crimson colored eye focused in his direction. And as he touched his finger tips against the scars marking his muzzle, Silas knew that so would he.

The sound of footfall alerted Silas, and the boy instantly sat up. His gaze traveled the coast, half expecting to find either a hostile Dahlia wolf or one of the clan members here to scold him for taking time for leisure during time of war. Instead it was a familiar face which greeted Silas, and a smile instantly found his features. He didn’t move to get up and instead gestured towards Mati for her to join him. It had been awhile since he had last seen the girl, and he was glad that it was her over anyone else that had found him here. He hoped, like last time, she wouldn’t throw him out. "'ey zhere!" He called to her, raising a hand in the air to wave. He wondered if she had heard about the war between the two packs, and hoped if she had, it hadn’t effected her life here in peaceful Crimson Dreams.

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