Grave of the Sunflowers
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I didn't try, i swear! D:

A snort passed his lips as the redhead thought of confronting a bear. Yeah, no. If there was a bear in the vicinity, Strel was most likely another ten miles away from a six foot radius of the big carnivorous creature. The only reason this male would be caught anywhere near one would be when he was lying dead at its feet, crushed by a massive paw. That or having a nice cup of tea and biscuits with a monstrous creature that were a natural enemy to his race. One or the other, it did not matter which, both were totally viable, and absolutely possible, options. "If it won't listen to reason over a cup of hot flavored water, then it's no bear I want to meet," he said finitely, nodding sharply once to emphasize his point. The quality of the little jokes improved, as did his timing with them. Strel guessed that it was time for his sense of humor to right itself and act appropriately. Just in time too -- he was getting awfully close spewing dirty jokes and innuendos about phallic objects.

Suddenly, the other cried out and a cat bounded over, making the redhead turn his lavender eyes toward the little tom. Daisuke certainly seemed to love the young creature with a pure kind of affection that only made the Cour chevalier smile far more softly. The cat seemed to love the much larger beast with some of the same kind of emotion. It was hard to imagine where the two of them found each other, but it was probably in Halifax. The cat populations out there might have exploded as the feral felines breed rapidly, free of human interference with their nether regions. This was probably one of their wild offspring, taken in by an islander not of this place with a kind heart for seemingly everyone around him. Daisuke looked to be the kind of guy who believed in free love, just love for everyone. A nice, refreshing point of view sometimes, and the redhead would have clapped him on the shoulder for it, but that was too stiff for a guy of almost three years. "I never said I was normal, Dai-Dai."

From his awkward laying position, the redhead laid his higher up arm into the crook of his right elbow. It was not terribly comfortable lying like that, mainly because the ground was cold, the vest adorning his body was bunching up in his armpits, and his elbow was getting sore. Yet he did not whine again about the weather and how he wished he had a fireplace back in his room at the hotel. There were more important things to think about here. Daisuke sounded as though he wanted to stop talking about his family, but he continued to do so at Strelein's request. But the redhead thought, sincerely too, that very little could get this blond down from his happy cloud up in the sky, so he kept on grinning back at him. "Can't do much about that. Can't like everyone all the time. I'd have been very surprised if even you could do that." Strelein chuckled, adjusting his body to lie flat on his belly, vest scrunching up beneath him, almost splayed out. His arms were crossed before him and his legs rose at the knees down to flail a little bit.

Again, Daisuke casually strode into the redhead's personally bubble and burst it with a needle. Normally, he was totally fine with people getting up in his space, but this was the area right in front of his face, and that made him a little bit nervous. Did this guy not have any qualms about such a scant distance between them? Or was it that he did not care for the implications of his actions? Repressing a need to lean back a bit, the redhead tried to appear unfazed by the other's actions. A look of mock horror spread on his face at the comment. "Oh no, and then where would we be? I'd be bored and you would not be getting a hole in your pants for a tail. What a world that would have been," he practically wailed, one hand clutching at his heart and light violet eyes gazing at the sky as his head shook softly. "It would be more than tragic. It would be... be... some form of the word that is far more dramatic than comes to mind." Eyes returned to the blond, the smile twisting into something a little bit more coy than usual. Daisuke rubbed noses with him, causing him to shut his eyes and flatten his ears, before turning and laying on his back in laughter. It looked as if this was a habit that Daisuke was in no rush to break. It was quite cute, truth be told, the moments it came at were so random that it was really hard to not find it amusing. It caught him off guard last time and it had this time, though he felt more prepared for it. Though this time, the other did not mimic the younger male.

Instead, he shook his head a little bit. Pushing off from the ground, Strelein stood, brushing off the things that best lay on the ground. "We'd best not just lay here and let the snow cover us like a cold, white ice sculpture!" Clear of debris, the redhead checked to make sure his piercings had not been ripped out during the tussle (though one would think he would have felt to see after they stopped fighting and started talking). Content they were both there, he peered down at the blond male lying on the ground with a kitten beside him. What a trio they made. A blond islander, a redheaded clothier, and young kitten. A hand was pushed out towards Daisuke, elbow resting on a slightly bend knee. It was offered with a broad grin and a tinkling laugh. "Better lead me to your place before it gets too dark for me to see. And you better not walk me into a ledge, or off a cliff, or so help me you won't like living here for much longer."

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