Finding the radius
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OOC: No problem, bud. You can go wherever you like with this. Short post is short.

Alexander froze as the established inferni member approached. He shook his pelt, banging his beads and decorations in a thunderous cackle. Gazing at the mounted luperci in front of him, he took a breath and shifted up to his optine form, adjusting his pack to fit more properly, cracking his knuckles. He tucked a hand under his large leather strap, grazing his knife, but decided against, once catching the familiar Inferni scent from Kayena. Alex pushed his arms behind him, stretching.

"Greetings, friend. "He smiled and held out a hand"I am Alexander. That's something I haven't seen before, Cotl. "Alexander marveled at his steed, carefully examining each part, studying and remembering. He was a craftsman, after all and loved to discover new forms to create and replicate. The midnight hybrid licked his fangs, carrying his tongue over the chipped lower fang, which was painful as of late. He had been traveling for days, not eating, barely sleeping after waking up alone.


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