My head gets so confused
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The only other topic that the girl had ever avoided in such an adamant manner was discussing what had happened to her with the drugs. Still though, this time it was different. Mentioning her accident sent the girl into a slight panic attack and her emotions bounced all over the place, leaving her in shambles until she was able to piece herself back together. With this though, she was worried about being judged. Always the slender youth had worried that there was something different about her, something that wasn't right. While she didn't think that her parents would ever stop loving her for any reason, opening up to them about this frightened her. She didn't know how they would react and it worried her. As much as she wanted guidance, she was more afraid of having her fears confirmed. Even if they were okay with it, would they ask a lot of questions about what had happened? Cambria really didn't want to go into the details of what had transpired between her and Lolita. It was highly personal, and she didn't think she could share it with anyone else. It would be far too embarrassing to speak of.

Her attention had been so focused upon Enzo that the knock on her door made her jump slightly. The mourning dove flapped his wings with her sudden jerk, but when she looked to see who it was she instantly calmed. It was just Anu. The girl offered the Lt. General a small smile. "Hi Anu. You can come in, if you want." Cambria turned to return Enzo to his nest, that was enough exercise for him for now and it'd be good for him to rest up a bit after being startled. As she did this something came to her. Recently she had seen Anu with another female and they had seemed close, and not just as friends. Apprehension coiled inside her as she thought of discussing what was bothering her with the tawny older woman. Still, if what she had seen had been correct, then it seemed that she would be the least likely to judge her for what she was feeling and thinking.

Standing back up and turning around to face her mother's friend her fingers fidgeted nervously at her sides. "Anu, could to you about something? And could you close my door?" The last thing she wanted was anyone dropping in on this conversation. Cambria needed this to remain private. She chewed on her lip, hoping she wasn't about to make a huge mistake.


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