Grave of the Sunflowers
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OCC: Table BY YOU! pped them going to the cave, hope you don't mind.

I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me

The other male spoke about him only being in the vicinity of a bear if he was only sharing a cup of flavored water with it. Daisuke doubted that a bear would be that civilized though. It was a bear whom had taken off one of his father's ears after all. Daisuke would never, ever forget that story, simply because that was what made Kisuke whom he was. Kisuke was known as the "golden wolf with one ear". The golden dragon with one ear. Daisuke was known as the male's twin. If Kisuke was still alive, then Daisuke would be the golden hatchling that was just smaller than his father, and with two ears instead of one. He would most likely be confused with his father if one did not know his father well, and only knew him by the golden pelt of his. Aye, was his golden pelt rare, the humans would more than likely shot him down and skinned him by now for it if the bastards hadn't died out. In Daisuke's favor, they had done so, and so he got to keep his pelt of the purest of gold." I doubt that you'd even be able to do that!" giggled the male, knowing that the other was joking with him, and chuckling to it, while adding his own comment to the end of it. "You know, my Father lost his ear to a Bear." the male spoke, adding onto it. Daisuke would never fuck with a bear either. He would be quick to skedaddle from the scene, that was for sure.

The other male commented on how he never said that he was normal. Daisuke gave a shrug, he guessed the male didn't, considering that he did not recall such a statement coming from the other. "You have a point there." the male spoke, his hand moving to pet his feline, in which his hand ran the length of the feline. The little feline mewed and purred as he rubbed up under his master's chin with his flexible spine. Daisuke let his tongue out and lick the feline before his oceanic orbs were back on the male. The male told him that he couldn't be blamed, since it wasn't possible to like all of the people all of the time. Daisuke knew not of why he had not liked his sister's "boyfriend" for it was a more subconscious hatred. Maybe it was because the other male was courting his sister, and he was being protective of his dear Pachi. You see, Pachi was like no other wolf he had ever seen. Her coloration was beautiful, exotic, and for a male to come in and steal her away from her brother whom was the only one whom cared about her, was just annoying he guessed. "I guess. It's not hard to like everyone though." the male spoke, smiling lightly to the other. I like someone until they do something for me not to like them, but then I also assess the situation, and figured that they must have acted that way because I was being stupid and made them go on the offense. the male explained, shrugging his shoulders.

The male got the most horrific look on his face and then asked where they would be if Daisuke had been back on Zirenta. Daisuke thought of an immediate answer. Daisuke wouldn't be a luperci. And Strelly-poo would his hotel...Or....Frozen in the sunflower fields. the male spoke, chuckling softly to the other male, his maw holding a wide grin. It would be tragic though! Very much tragic! An alternate universe as well! the male spoke, his eyes growing wide as he randomly got all dramatic about it along with the other male. The other male then decided that it was time to get up and get out of here. He had gone on to say that he needed they should get going before it got dark and he wouldn't be able to navigate home. Or before Daisuke would lead him into a ditch or something. Daisuke also was offered a helping hand in getting up, in which he politely took, and as he was hoisted up, the kitten had jumped on his shoulders before he got too tall to do so. The feline relaxed on the golden male's shoulders. You'll be dead, what will you do? the male asked, chuckling at the male's proposal as he started to walk away, towards the west. He had set himself up closer to the drifter bay for the day, since he was a wanderer, he had always set himself up in a cave before wandering off on foot.

The male lead the other through a winter wonderland until they had reached the base of the mountains. There was the broken staff that had the deer skull on it, with feathers attached. It marked where his home was in that moment in time. He was quick to approach ahead of the other male him paying respects to his pike by putting his forehead up to it and then kissing it on the forehead. He then quickly entered the cave and looked to see if the bats were there or not. Surprisingly, they weren't. Daisuke welcomed the male into the cave. If you want, we can start a fire, and get warm here before heading back to your place. the male spoke, nodding his head and offering for the male to stay awhile. Plus, he didn't want to be rude. He then walked back into the cave and picked up the pair of pants that was laying out on the slab of rock. He then waited for his friend to join him in his cave.

"Lets start the rave, start it up, start it right."


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