When it rains
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I'm so sorry for the long wait Sad (3)

It seemed to go well until the horse did something that she was not at all prepared to handle. Lips instinctively revealed her blistering white fangs as the horse nudged her creamy chest and the girl quickly stepped backwards away from the creature both to get away in case it was to become hostile and to protect the horse from her own claws that wanted to lash out to remove the threat. Her light hued hand rose and pressed lightly against the spot where the horse’s muzzle had touched her. She knew she had overreacted, but there was no helping that. She had never been close to another animal – not a live one. Her face calmed down merely a moment after she had given off that silent warning and she turned to the man again. ”I’m sorry,” she said sincerely after the male’s own words had withdrawn from the air. She recognized the social behavior pattern and knew she should have recognized it earlier. The horse only tried to be friendly.

Her lips pulled in different directions when it was asked what she thought of the mammal. ”He’s alright,” she concluded and tipped her head slightly over to the side as her ruby gaze wandered over to the horse again. The sound of sitting on top of it was too alien for her to be comfortable with. She did not exactly shudder at the thought, but it was probably noticeable that her excitement did not shoot through the roof. His words were hard to understand, but he said himself that it was hard to explain what he meant. Ears perked slowly up from their position against her skull and she felt that she relaxed slightly more now when first instructions and all seemed to be over and done with. ”I would fall off.” were the words now falling out of her. She did wonder why he chose to ride the animal when he could run perfectly well, but of course she did not voice this out loud. He probably guessed her thoughts anyway.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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