as the rush comes


Before the time in his life that involved the pack, and thus the stables and horses, Heath had always found the simple things easier in his Lupus form. Travel was tiresome and slow on two legs compared to the four that he wore as he spoke to her. Since meeting Lumière, and becoming knowledgeable in the ways of horse training Heath had simply asked for the mare or the stallion Stark to aid in his travels. But there was nothing like satisfying the simple need to run, to let his legs stretch and either fulfill the instinct to chase or let the endorphins seep into his blood stream.

Honeyed eyes looked back at the female, his tongue washing the blood from his teeth. He had not thought much on the subject, knowing those that never shifted and others that remained on in their Optime form just as she did. Jut as he had, but in the delicate yet deadly fashion that her form provided, she begun to feed. The sharpened metal or stone pierced the beast’s hide, and Heath worked further with his teeth at the elk’s throat. He stepped close to it chest, working his way down slowly.

He looked at her once more, understanding how she felt. If he wanted nothing to do with all that surrounded him he would just go. Running in a direction that made no actual sense and ran until his legs were light a flame and his chest threatened to burst from the pain. His head rose as he introduced himself,
“Heath.” he spoke simply, not enjoying his last name and thus not adding it.
“Cour des Miracles. To the east.” having been to the tribe’s lands only once and having been asked to leave Heath knew little about them, but found the weapon she bore the most interesting. And so his questions were numerous, but Heath possessed some form of patience, asking only one.

“Do you only use that for hunting?”



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