is it suppose to mean something

I'm assuming she's unshifted? ^^; 600 words.

     Her last visit to the territory of Cour des Miracles had not been very productive, considering she had never actually gone to see Haven. By the time she had met the Dauphine, it had been verging on late enough that she did not think it completely acceptable to be running around in the dark. Princess was not terribly concerned for her own well being, despite the war in the north, but she had been trying to keep herself relatively safe, if only for Haven’s sake. Though she did not know for sure, she suspected that the Knight would worry about her if she deliberately ignored all safety precautions, so she was making an effort. She had stopped trying to see Inferni, and she had not returned to Dahlia to fight with her mother some more. It was not her intention to do so, either, but she did kind of want to know her little half-brother. If she could get to him before he was old enough that Tokyo and Haku could twist him, then perhaps there would be a chance for him yet. There was no guarantee it would any good for her to try to contact him without their mother finding out, but she might put forth the effort sometime. It might be helpful.

     Princess trotted silently in the direction of her orange boy’s pack, skirting the borders. This adventure was, surprisingly, not one she was using to see him. Her meeting with Ruri had reminded her how she did not know anyone in his pack, but that they might know of her, and it would probably be beneficial to meet a few of his pack mates. With the direction things seemed to be going, it would probably help her out in the future if she knew some of the members, and she did not really have a problem with meeting new people, either. It could be fun, regardless of whether or not it could be considered useful to her, as she did not think of herself as someone who only did things that could provide a greater outcome later. She certainly did things for a purpose, but they were her own purposes, and she did not think that they needed to be justified to anyone, not even herself. It did not make much sense, but that was just that way that her mind worked, something that she could easily understand. It was, after all, her own mind.

     It was not long before she found someone who smelled of the pack, but Princess was no so certain she should approach this female. She seemed like she’d been fighting recently, and while she held the scent of Cour des Miracles thickly, the thought that she had been fighting was not one Princess wanted to entertain. That could mean that the war had come down here, as well, and that Haven could be in danger. Adopting a friendly smile, Princess walked closer, assuming that she would have been seen by now. She had, admittedly, never been good at hiding or sneaking up on anyone. “Hi, I’m Princess. I’m a, um, a friend of Haven’s,” she offered politely, hoping she would not be scolded for coming so close. She still did not know what to say in regards to that, but it seemed logical to introduce herself as a friend of his, rather than something else. The pack was not one she knew well, so she did not know whether or not her relationship with Haven would be frowned upon. It seemed safer to simply say she was a friend, just incase.


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