
He wished he knew if Ember would depend on him if she needed it. True, the boy had a weak backbone. He wasn't tough, physically or emotionally, and perhaps that rendered him useless in her eyes. But if ever his sister needed him, he'd be there, because weak and cowardly as he was, loyalty to his loved ones was foremost. Hopefully, though, Ember wouldn't ever find herself in a place where she needed him. He didn't know what kind of hurt she'd experienced. But he knew that he didn't want her to be in pain, and if ever he could be the one alleviate it, he would be there.

Her arms around him brought a tingling sensation of comfort. The embrace, along with the smile on her face reassured him. It was nice to see her happy. Whenever he'd encountered Firefly, a bitterness was about her such that he never felt completely comfortable with her. But he felt that Ember wouldn't feel such a need to keep things from him. Having one content sister was of some relief to the worrisome wolf. He inspected the shoes more closely; they were funny-looking, but the idea was a good one. The boy emitted a small laugh. "Well, sure. I haven't seen you in... a long time," he told her, still grinning. "I have something for you, too." Kansas dug awkwardly in his bag until he found the vials. He presented them to her, with inward angst toward whether or not she would find use for them. "They belonged to... uh, Naniko. I found them... thought you might use them,"


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