I Want To Fall, I Want to Fall.

ooc: Table by Alli <3; SSWM:815

What if I wanted to break?
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do?
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take all this anymore
What would you do

He male was utterly confused. His head was spinning around, the pure rage that overtook the male was blinding those oceanic orbs from the real world. Right now, he was not in Inferni lands, no. Daisuke, in his mind, was in Dahlia De Mai lands. He had followed the scent that held his best friends' blood on it. Daisuke was so confused. He did not recognize the male whom was in front of him. The rage blinded him so much that he could not see the 'yote male infront of him that he loved and that he would kill for. The other male had spoken to him, but it went to deaf audits. They were pushed against his head, the rainbow haired male having a fierce look on his once friendly face. He looked only slightly different from when Snake had last seen him, Daisuke having gone to Dahlia De Mai lands and finding his tattoo artist there. Hanna had helped him dye his hair that day and then sent him on his way back out of the war zone and off to his home. Daisuke knew what Dahlia lands looked like, as well as Inferni, so he should have been able to tell the difference, but again, the blinding rage that was going on in his body was transforming him from sane, friendly, lovable Daisuke, into a dark, dangerous, and angry dragon. This water dragon was experiencing berserker.

Oceanic orbs would turn red, if they could. His eyes held a dangerous look to them, burning for bloodshed. His ridge stood up on his back. Even his tail seemed to fluff out, making him seem much larger. The male rose to his two legs, and his hands reached behind his back, and they slipped into the blades that had been held there by a halter that he had found that fit them. The male slid his arms through the leather band that would rest on his upper arm, and he grabbed the handle at the end. He had been practicing with his two weapons, and was rather good at being swift with them by now, though this would be the first time he had actually fought with the blades. If he had been himself, he wouldn't have drew his blades on his beloved, but right now, all he was seeing was a devil, a wolven whom was with the Dahlians. He was not seeing the truth, being that this other male that was infront of him actually being the male that he would be avenging. In his mind, Snake was dead. He had seen the male, mangled body, cold green orbs lifeless. He had followed the scent of blood, and ran into the male whom had killed his best friend..his...love? Daisuke could not control the dragon's actions. He could not see. He was blind. Is love blind even to love itself?

Oceanic orbs were focused on the beast infront of him. His fangs bared at the other, those ivory daggers seeming to glow in the moonlight of this icy cold night. Die Dahlian Shit. the male coldly, his words like venom falling from the fangs of the dragon. With these words, he bolted off towards the other male. His right arm was twisted to where it was infront of his face, and his left arm was straight back, this technique made him have to do a twisting attack once he was to get close enough. Both of his arms would move through the air at the same time, and it would cause him to strike at the same time with both of his arms. It would leave him open for attack after wards, but in all honesty, Daisuke doubted that the other would be able to dodge the attack unless he got completely out of the way, in which, the golden dragon would just adjust his targeting.

There was no thoughts running through his head, the normal, thoughtful Daisuke was gone, locked behind the wall of anger. The real Daisuke was pleading to be let out, his hands banging on the door that locked him in. There was not two Daisuke's, there was only one Daisuke, but there was a dragon that had lived dormant in his mind, waiting for it's chance to emerge, to kill. No matter how hard Daisuke tried to not be aggressive, no matter how hard he had tried to remain anger-free, innocent, there was always that dragon there, sitting there, watching, waiting for Daisuke to let his guard down, and once he had let his guard down, the dragon would take over, and fight. This was genetic in his family. Kisuke was like this, Carlisle, Pachi, Kaetel, and even little Ryn. Their mother, Sathra had a fiery temper as well, only adding fuel to the fire. The family of warriors could not escape their genetics, each of them having that dragon that laid dormant.


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