not the man i thought i'd be.
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Kaena decided earlier that morning to get Vieira out of the cave and to the borders again. The woman had rarely left the cave since her attack. Leaving the cave for a few yards scared the slave and she returned as quickly as she could do complete a task for Kaena or rest in her room until she was called. Being abused and beaten by her owners was one thing, that much was driven into her mind, but the attack from a complete stranger that had nearly taken her life put a fear in her she had not felt before. When Kaena said they were going to the border, ever muscle in her body tightened and she wanted to object, but no matter how much she did, she was not able to stick up for herself.

The trip to the border, Vieira walked as close as she possibly could to her owner and refused to step away until an irritation was announced. The slave would have been content never leaving the cave again but her owner had been intent on dragging her out here and she could not object. The bandage around her torso had come off several days ago, the wound on her back scabbed over and ugly and sure enough to leave a large and unattractive scar. Vieira did not concern herself with what she looked like, it never seemed to matter to anyone. She was a slave and she needed nothing more. Canines would take that they wanted and when and she was no more ugly or attractive to them. She was a source and that was the extent of it.

Vieira gripped the knife in her hand, a tool that felt awkward when she was not using it to cook a meal for them. Anything more than that seemed strange to her and using it as a weapon to defend herself was far from her mind. It was weird to think that she could put damage on something but she was not sure she could make herself. Astaroth laughed in her head. He made sure she could not get to something that could hurt him or herself and when he was comfortable she would do no such thing was when she had access and he knew then that any control she had over anything was gone and she was forever helpless.

Walking on the borders was quiet and Vieira did not pay as much attention to Kaena. She was sure the woman was nearby but when Vieira spun on her heels, the hybrid was gone. Her golden eyes widened unnaturally and her breath lodged in her throat, feeling lost and panicked. "Miss Kaena?" she called, her voice high as she moved a few steps forward and finding she could not see the woman. Her scent was everywhere, making it difficult to follow, and a few minutes later she ran into a man leaning against a tree. Finding Kaena was top priority but her feet became glued to the ground as she watched the figure, the scent of smoke lingering, and she took a step back. Remembering the knife in her hand, the woman robotically lifted it in front of her face to show she had a weapon but her movements were enough to show she had no idea what she was doing.


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