understand them early and prove
((I will be one of the two or three Big Grin))

Angel continued to set up just near the borders as she brought more wood for firepits and even some teepee like buildings for the refugees and individuals who would need healing. As she passed by a path she walked on constantly she saw the collie mix building a spear and Angel thought it would be best to take a break for the moment after climbing the steep hill. Her foxen friend had gotten to the point where he had met a mate of his own and left to start his own life. It was sad to separate from him but no matter. Angel smiled and sighed heavily as she set the items down and placed her hands on her back, fingers down towards her butt and leaned back. She wore no clothing and her finely figured form dressed in black was easy to see in the light of the sun.

"Fine day yes?"

Angel spoke as she leaned forward once more and shook her head from side to side a little making her hair that rested on her shoulders move just a little. After settling her hair rested on her shoulders once more and two hawk feathers could be seen hanging from some strands and she had some turquoise beads hanging from others. On one of the strands the beads were on was a feather attached at the ends. Her violet eyes were radiant and sparkling in the sun as she soon came closer to see the spear the collie mix was making.

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