Enter the babysitter

wc 5

One of the things he loved about the woman next to him was the comfortable silence that sometimes fell in between them. These were sorrowful times and both of the canines had their heads full of thoughts. They did not need to speak unnecessary words just because they were in the presence of each other. It felt like she was a natural part of him; there was no need of pretending or need to make an effort to be anything. He could be himself fully in her presence and likewise for her. The only thing that set them apart was that lingering love that he could not push out of his heart. She would always be his everything and he knew this. There was no way of fighting it, but the fight to stay behind the invisible lines of their current relationship was always a struggle. They could never be anything but what they always had been and he just could not accept it. His brain did, for it saw logic and sense in her decision, but his heart went on and on with its burning passion. It hurt him, but they were no longer separated. Things would never be the same between them again, but at least they were no longer apart from each other.

Conor knew just as well as Alexey that Mew’s call had to mean something. He was already gently pushing silver threads of sorrow away from his thoughts. He was no longer the young child he had been and he could not bear the thought of showing weakness when he was rushed into a situation where he needed to be the strong one. Unlike Lexey the male had seen Mew. His grandaunt and he were the ones that had treated Mew. Although this should never have happened, Mew’s injuries had boosted Conor’s medical skills. With a mortally wounded patient and a teacher by his side he had watched and helped Susquehanna remove the metal piece out of Mew’s head. To think that this was just the start of the war was horrible. He thought he had seen enough yet he knew that he had seen nothing of what was to come. The thought wanted to rip him apart, but he had to be strong for all of them. Perhaps, as his father’s new fondness and trust grew, he could find a way to minimize the damage that would be inflicted.

They had arrived and the golden male granted his ivory aunt a faint, though sincere smile. Mew was one of the individuals that had shown him the path to happiness, and it was horrible to see her in this condition. He let Alexey move in first, let a hand softly touch the Koios’ latte back as he saw the silent pain rip through her. He wished he could comfort her, but knew there was no way. Alexey was not the only person in the room that wanted to cry, but Conor’s eyes were dry as he too reached for the white female. Violence was so ugly. A light cream hand settled on the ivory female’s shoulder for a moment before it fell away and he sat down next to his aunt’s sad and defeated form. ”You seem better, aunt Mew,” he said with a voice that could not exclude all the pain that he carried within. His words were true though. Seen from a healer’s point of view she was no longer on the definite path of certain death, but she was still so very weak.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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