A way the roots holds in a flower
Flayra smiled as she took a brief bow before Xeris and when she looked down at the three pups before her. At the sight of the young ones, she saw they were beautiful beings. Pendzez and Xeris had done a good job in making them. She returned her gaze to Xeris. "I am doing fine. Thank you for asking. I just all is well here?" she spoke as she moved inside sitting in a free chair.

Pendzez saw that he was no longer needed for now, so when back to his duties. "Well, I must tend to my duties. I will be back later today. See you two later and I will definitly be seeing you three later today. You all be good now." he said as he went over and gave Xeris a little kiss on the forehead and one to his pups and walked out.

Flayra watched as her brother said his good-byes and went back to his duties for the day. Flayra returned her gaze to the pups as they told her their names. "Nice to meet you all," he said smiling upon the three. She looked up at Xeris when she was asked about Crimson Dreams. "Things have been a bit different ever since the news about the war, but all in all things have been working out. No mishaps, but we're being cautious." Flayra did not predict how the war will go or how far it will come, but everyone will have to be ready for if it does reach out to Crimson Dreams. "What about here in Phoenix Valley?

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