on a need to know
Firefly flicked her ears forward as she watched Ayita push open the door to the children’s room. She got up, sensing the woman was about to move locations as she spoke. Firefly couldn’t help but grin slightly at the mention of her cat. She nodded her head as she spoke. ”Aye, Elroy likes to play, and cats are strange creatures, they seem to always act as though they are children.” She smiled at the idea and suggested. ”I can try and find her a kitten in the city. I know where one of the colonies live. Perhaps I can find her a kitten of her own.” she said, before adding hastily. ”Not that I mind her coming over if she wants, and you allow her to.” She had promised the girl she could come whenever she wanted and she didn’t want to seem like she was trying to push her away by bringing her a kitten of her own to play with.

When Ayita moved on into another room Firefly followed her as they kept up their constant flow of conversation. She nodded quietly at the words that Ayita spoke before sighing. ”I don’t think she’d ever want to tread the same path as that beast, if there ever was a thought in her head once…” She knew the girl was much too young to even think of good and evil yet but sometimes she wondered if it was bad genetics and breeding that sometimes brought about these bad eggs.

She hurried and pushed that thought away as she glanced back to Ayita when she admitted that’s she’d spoken to Jac about it. ”Good, I think that he will make certain that things fair better for Amaranth now.” She hesitated before adding. ”You might consider Haven as well. I don’t think he would ever throw himself into this war as Jac and I are set to do, but he will protect her here, and it’s better he knows.” She shifted as she thought for a second before continuing. ”Perhaps not the whole story, but what matters.” She didn’t think that Haven would think Ayita a bad mother, but if Ayita wanted to keep some things quiet for that fear she wouldn’t push it.

Firefly was somewhat startled when Ayita decided that she wanted to help stop Haku. She was quiet a moment before she spoke. ”I’ve been running information to Inferni about what has been going on in Dahlia de Mai.. I don’t know what else we could be good for.” She thought a second before adding. ”Perhaps you could offer to help tend the wounded.” Firefly didn’t want to force Ayita to think about what she was saying but she had her own children to think of, Firefly had already lost her three and she didn’t want to see pups lose their mother, it was hard enough to lose children, muchless the other way around.

She nodded as the woman offered her to stay a while. She had nothing else to do and she figured that Amaranth might like to talk when she woke up anyways. She smiled shyly and admitted. ”That would be nice.” She would have to watch herself before everyone started to think she was going soft, but right now she didn’t give a damn.

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